Insane Since 2000
MiL -Spec Monkey Berserker Viking Morale Patch Multicam Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /We didn't want to ignore our fellow Barbarian / Viking warriors so here is an artsy design on that theme. By Guest Artist NorzEEle 2.6" x 3.25" wit...
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MiL -Spec Monkey EOD Running Morale Patch Desert Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A little something fun for the EOD crowd. If you see a bomb suit hauling ass away from the threat site, it is generally a good idea to follow.3.3" ...
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MiL -Spec Monkey Eye Strike Patch - Multicam - Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /No specific unit, just a design I thought forward observer types might like.2" x 3" with hook sewn on the back
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MiL -Spec Monkey Infidel Strong Morale Patch ACU-L Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A different take on the Army slogan.Hook velcro sewn on the back.3" x 1.5"
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MiL -Spec Monkey NKDA No Known Drug Allergies Patch Multicam Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /NKDA stands for "No Known Drug Allergies". A way to let the medics know that when you have a bad day, they can use about anything to fix you on up....
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MiL -Spec Monkey Zombie Hunter Morale Patch ACU-B Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Sometimes people need an excuse to have a lot of guns and gear....and Zombie Huntn' is a good one!Black hook velcro sewn on the back.2.75" x 2.75".
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Mil-Spec Monkey Apache Attack Helicopter Patch - Multicam
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Based on an older meme, but still seems to apply these days. For those who can highly relate with the Apache, or poking fun at the seemingly never ...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Danger Close Morale Patch Swat Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Mil-Spec Monkey Danger Close Patch New Swat Some modern pinup action in honor of the mighty A-10 and the close air support love it delivers. This p...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Death From Above Morale Patch Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Kicking it old school with more pinup, WWII bomber action. Done in woven style to capture as much detail as possible. Happy to collaborate with the...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Don't Tread On Me Morale Patch Swat Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A modern approach to the classic Gadsden Flag. Let everyone know you are dangerous and they better watch their step!3" x 2.35" Hook velcro sewn on ...
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Mil-Spec Monkey DTOM Don't Tread On Me Morale Patch Desert Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Wanted a more compact and covert Don't Tread on Me design? Well here it is.1.5" x 2" with hook velcro sewn on the back
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Mil-Spec Monkey Embrace The Suck Morale Patch Forrest Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /MSM Embrace the Suck Patch Forrest GreenHook and Loop Back
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Mil-Spec Monkey Eye Strike Patch - Full Color - Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /No specific unit, just a design I thought forward observer types might like.2" x 3" with hook sewn on the back
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Mil-Spec Monkey Front Toward Enemy Morale Patch Desert Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Front Toward Enemy Patch, in the shape of the classic claymore.Grey hook attachment sewn on the back.3.5" x 2.25".
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Mil-Spec Monkey Industrial Eagle PVC Morale Patch - Bronze - Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /An Art Deco approach to a bad A$$ eagle. Bronze variant has bonus metallic colors. 3.43" x 3.75" with hook velcro sewn on the back
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Mil-Spec Monkey Like A Boss Morale Patch Desert Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A term showing some lasting power promise these days. Multiple interpretation possibilities, but the most common one being to do an act very decisi...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Like A Boss Morale Patch Multicam Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A term showing some lasting power promise these days. Multiple interpretation possibilities, but the most common one being to do an act very decisi...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Like A Boss Morale Patch SWAT Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A term showing some lasting power promise these days. Multiple interpretation possibilities, but the most common one being to do an act very decisi...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Molon Labe Full Morale Patch Desert Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /Full Molon Labe design for the Spartans out there.Hook velcro sewn on the back.3.5" x 2.5"
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Mil-Spec Monkey NKDA No Known Drug Allergies Morale Patch Swat Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /NKDA stands for "No Known Drug Allergies". A way to let the medics know that when you have a bad day, they can use about anything to fix you on up....
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Mil-Spec Monkey Party Rocking PVC Morale Patch - Blue
Mil-Spec Monkey$9.99| /A blast from the past, but a term that stands the test of time. My hope was both civilians and tactical folks could get some laughs. Basic idea is ...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Party Rocking PVC Morale Patch - Gold
Mil-Spec Monkey$9.99| /A blast from the past, but a term that stands the test of time. My hope was both civilians and tactical folks could get some laughs. Basic idea is ...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Party Rocking PVC Morale Patch - Multicam
Mil-Spec Monkey$9.99| /A blast from the past, but a term that stands the test of time. My hope was both civilians and tactical folks could get some laughs. Basic idea is ...
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Mil-Spec Monkey Pinup Girl 1 Morale Patch - ACU - Hook Back
Mil-Spec Monkey$4.99| /A modern attempt at some good ol' retro pinup style. Embroidery only allows for so much detail so we tried are damndest.3.2" x 3.25".Hook velcro se...
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